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Who is Ventacon

Raman Product Range

NIR Product Range

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Ventacon UK sell a unique and comprehensive range of cells mainly for Raman Spectroscopy.  

Our products enable spectroscopists to study specimens in widely varying environments - vacuum, under gases, cooled, heated, solid, liquid and even in-situ in electrochemical cells.

Our standard range of accessories were originally conceived by Professor Hendra from the University of Southampton, now retired.


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Please note that any information you supply will not be passed on to or used by any other organisation other than Ventacon UK.



Ventacon UK's World Wide Web information is maintained to provide information about its products. The information on this site is copyrighted and may not be redistributed, modified, revised, reposted or otherwise used outside the scope of this service without the express permission of Ventacon.


© Ventacon UK 2015