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Ventacon Limited


Designed and optimised exclusively for
contemporary Raman Spectrometers

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C1 & C13 Cold Cell in a Thermo Nicolet Raman System
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The C-1 Cooling System (Perkin Elmer F-T configuration)

Ventacon Cold Cell Systems allow users to record Raman spectra of solids, semi-solids and liquids at temperatures down to -150ºC. With the Ventacon heated probe the temperature of the specimen can be controlled to within + 2ºC at the value of your choice over the same range vis room temperature to -150ºC.

Low temperature Raman cells have been reported based on a variety of technologies. Thus, cooling can be achieved using Peltier solid-state cooling devices or liquid refrigerants. The most familiar incorporates a 'cold finger' surrounded by an evacuated jacket or the sample is suspended in a stream of gas boiling off from a remote liquid nitrogen container. The problem with all of these is that they require services - water cooling and evacuation for the Peltier devices, evacuation for the cold finger cells and, of course, large diameter insulated tubes for the cells based on liquid nitrogen 'boil-off'. As a result it is difficult or impossible to operate these cells in a contemporary Raman sample area with the lid closed.

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